Somatic Delusional Disorder: How to Treat Somatic Delusions
The term somatic delusion is used when someone has a firm yet false belief that they are suffering from some medical condition, or a physical medical defect. Othello syndrome is another name for this theme of delusion. Persecutory – In this type of delusion, an individual firmly believes that someone is planning an assault or is spying on them. For example, someone may believe that a surgeon has secretly removed the kidney during surgery. A delusion disorder is a very stressful and overwhelming condition for the patient and family members, often persuading a patient to believe that there is nothing wrong with physical status is next to impossible. Disorders of somatic delusions are treatable irrespective of the underlying cause. The formal treatment plan may include the following: Psychotherapy : Cognitive Behavior Therapy to bring effective changes into the patient’s approach.
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