United We Care | A Super App for Mental Wellness

Future of Mental Health Care

Get A Holistic Mental Health and Well-Being Solution for Your Employees

AI Enhanced Human Centric Care, Speed to Care

Trusted by 3 Million+ Employees and their Families

360° Employee Wellness


30+ Assessment Tools Help in Early Diagnosis

Clinical Intervention

Certified Clinicians - Coaches & Therapists ( For Selected States)

Self Intervention

Self-Paced Programs, Audio, Video, Articles, Podcasts, Communities & Clubs.

Follow Up & Relapse Management

Worksheets, Gratitude Writing, Journaling, Meditation, Reminders, Mood Monitors, Bedtime Stories & More

Our Impact

Mental Health Care That Works For You

Explore the evolving landscape of mental health in the workplace, from startups to corporate giants

Amidst the challenges of today’s dynamic business world and the impact of COVID-19, this white paper delves into how organizations can adopt comprehensive mental health programs. Discover insights on the importance of prioritizing wellness and agility in work and life. This white paper explores the state of mental health across diverse settings, highlighting unique challenges and opportunities.

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