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Category: Focus

Lack of Social Skills In Kids

What Causes Lack of Social Skills In Kids?

What is the problem behind the lack of social skills in young children? If a child perceives that their parents have problems interacting with each other, they’re more likely to have problems themselves. Here are seven ways to help a child who lacks social skills: Step 1: Teach the child how to shake hands and look someone in the eye when speaking to them. Step 2: Encourage the child to compliment others on their clothes or hair. Step 7: Role-play situations with the child to practice greeting someone, asking for directions if lost, or saying thank you when the waitress brings the food to a restaurant. 7 Simple Steps That Can Help Seven Simple Ways to Improve Your Concentration And Focus References [1] S. N. Elliott and F. M. Gresham, “Social skills interventions for children,” Behav.

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What You Need to Know About Teenage Depression

The teenage phase is a significant milestone in an individual’s life. It must be noted that teenage depression[4] is a serious issue since it occurs at a crucial stage in an individual’s life and could shape their personality. Failure to be accepted by the community, peer group, or people who they are fond of can make teenagers feel rejected. Ask them to seek help from an expert psychologist who will counsel them appropriately and guide them in managing their symptoms. 4] J. Rodriguez, R. Radjack, M. R. Moro, and J. Lachal, “Migrant adolescents’ experience of depression as they, their parents, and their health-care professionals describe it: a systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis,” Eur.

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Bitter truth of neglecting ADHD

The Bitter Truth Of Neglecting ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has different symptoms in each individual, making diagnosing this disorder reasonably tricky. Many studies have shown that children and adults with ADHD have a higher risk of unintentional accidents [10],[11]and injuries if the symptoms of ADHD are left untreated. Studies show the type and severity of these injuries can differ with age. Poor self-image[12] in individuals with neglected ADHD can result in difficulties in pursuing goals and trying new things because of the constant assumption of failure. These complaints can prompt them to retreat into a shell so that they are not in anyone’s way, which takes a toll on their relationships[14]. 4] K. Cherry, “Untreated ADHD in Adults,” Verywell Mind , 22-Mar-2022. [ 7] “Will repeating a grade in school help a child with ADHD?” 9] L. Constance, “Study: College students with ADHD at greater risk for low grades, dropping out,” ADDitude , 24-Feb-2021. [ Available: https://www.additudemag.com/college-students-with-adhd-risks-outcomes/. [Accessed: 11-Feb-2023]. [

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Tips for Developing Intrapersonal Intelligence for Success

In the theory of multiple intelligences, naturalistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and intrapersonal intelligence are some developed by Gardener. Lack of self-awareness is a growing problem in today’s world. Writing is the single most effective practice to focus on your thoughts and process them accordingly. Understanding a person’s emotions and thought process is the highest form of intrapersonal intelligence . One can make use of empathy and compassion to understand others better. It helps you both in your personal and professional life. You might have read their work or listened to their words, but did you know that it is because of the intrapersonal intelligence that makes them one of a kind? Let’s have a look few people who have exceptional intelligence: Socrates – The founder of Western philosophy. The least one can do is to be receptive to their surroundings.

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How to Use Limbic Resonance in Relationship Counseling and Therapy

Limbic resonance is a fairly new concept in the field of relationship counseling and therapy. In simple terms, limbic resonance therapy can help to restore emotional harmony within a relationship by boosting up the power of the limbic brain. In the past, relationship therapists mostly focused on the individuals or their external behavior patterns. This is the implementation of the primary concept of limbic resonance that “our brain chemistry and nervous systems are measurably affected by those closest to us” (as quoted in A General Theory of Love ). In the final stage of therapy, couples keep their differences and negativity aside and dive deep into the core emotional aspect of the relationship. At the end of limbic resonance therapy and counseling sessions, therapists prepare a self-care routine for the couple which includes limbic resonance exercises to keep the limbic system calm.

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How School Guidance Counselors Help Teens and Students Manage Their Mental Health

School guidance counselors play an important role in the lives of students and teens by helping them manage their mental health. During the middle and high school levels, the counselors work with you to determine and achieve your current and post-high school goals. The role of these guidance counselors was to guide the students in the academic area. As a student, when you enter adolescence from childhood, you undergo rapid physical and emotional change. He or she also guides you to find the right college or when you are stepping into the working world. They need someone to converse freely and who can enhance their outlook on life.

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How to Become a Counselor in Canada

Counseling is one of the most promising professions in Canada and many nations worldwide. In addition to this, you should have expertise in diagnosing mental health issues and disorders. One crucial aspect of being a counselor is to be empathetic. This means that you should not be stoic or cold towards the patient. It is a career in which you might be presented with additional responsibilities in order to help the patient deal with their mental health problems. in Counseling, Psychology or Applied Psychology. Relationship counselors helps patients with mending or strengthening relationships in their life. They also help patients with physical and emotional disabilities such as mental illness, addiction, congenital disabilities, accidents and other problems.

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