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Category: Phobia


How to get rid of Gynophobia – 10 simple ways

Anxiety can lead to irrational fears, such as gynophobia [1] – the fear of approaching a woman. Specific social anxiety impacts people’s relationships with female relatives and friends. Fear can develop due to repeated negative experiences with women. Work on improving certain aspects of your life to grow your self-confidence to the point where you can start talking to women comfortably. Psychotherapy is the most effective treatment for gynophobia which includes, Neuro-linguistic programming (N.L.P.) is a method to change your thoughts and behaviour. Exposure therapy: The therapist will slowly introduce you to things related to women in exposure therapy. Medications also help speed up the recovery but must be used only under medical supervision.

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Erotophobia- The Fear Of Intimacy and Its Causes

Erotophobia: The Fear Of Intimacy and Its Causes

We can define intimacy as the closeness shared by people in relationships. At times, we may run away from a relationship or hesitate to share our true feelings with someone due to a fear of intimacy, also known as erotophobia. Here are the factors or causes of the fear of intimacy: Past sexual abuse : Some of us may have gone through child abuse or sexual abuse, which can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Psychotherapy: The primary treatment for phobias is psychotherapy. Realisation and acceptance are necessary to overcome the fear of intimacy.

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