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Are You Oversleeping? Here’s Why It Might Be Important

Sleeping is considered to be one of the most important parts of our life. A good night’s rest does wonders for your body, mind, your performance at work and school, and other areas of interest. Difficulty in waking up in the morning despite an alarm. Some are good, and some can be detrimental to physical and mental health. Here are a few: Oversleeping has the following effects on the body: It heightens the chances of developing diabetes. It may induce irritability and crankiness. If oversleeping cannot be attributed to medical ailments, the following measures may be recommended by health professionals or online counsellors: This keeps a record of your sleeping habits and would include details such as, when you fall asleep, when you wake up and how often you wake up during the night. In case your hypersomnia is a result of deteriorating mental health, it is crucial to seek therapy.

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World Health Day Promises To Build a Healthier World Together

World Health Day: 7 Essential Promises To Build A Healthier World Together

Introduction World Health Day, which occurs annually on April 7th, is an event organized by the World Health Organization (WHO). Its primary goal is to promote awareness and drive action on health issues that impact people worldwide. This special day serves as a platform for advocating health policies, systems and services that can enhance health

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Yoga for teenagers: Unlocking the Benefits of Mind-Body Connection

The teenage years are challenging and peculiar because of the surging hormones and the confused mind. Their bodies, hearts, and emotions can all be transformed and purified through yoga. Teenagers who practice yoga can find time for themselves while building strong coping skills for anxiety and stress. Confidence – Teens’ confidence might suffer due to puberty and peer pressure, which explains why many teenagers struggle with a positive self-image. Teenagers can practice self-love regularly through yoga, which can help them gain self-assurance and a good self-perception of their identities and bodies.[2][4] Teenagers face numerous distractions, peer pressure, technology, and the devices they use to stay connected.

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Drug abuse

The Bitter Truth of Drug Abuse in Teenagers

The problem of drug abuse is an old one, and it is a global issue mainly affecting the younger population. It can lead to dropping out of school/college and spoiling their future. Social: Drug abuse in teenagers could make them dangerous to society. Teenagers can be prevented from getting into the habit of drug abuse if parents[3]: Please pay attention to their activities and watch for any behaviour changes. Talk to them openly about the side effects of drug addiction. Becoming a friend with teenagers will help the parent here.

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How to know if you are bisexual

How to Know If You Are Bisexual

Although there is still a lot of stigma surrounding bisexuality, more people are starting to embrace this sexual orientation openly . However, it is essential to understand people don’t choose to be bisexual , and it’s not something that someone can turn on or off; being bisexual is an intrinsic part of who they are. Having a support system in place can make coming out a lot easier. It is crucial to keep an open mind about the different types of relationships bisexuals can have. By being open about their relationship, bisexual couples can help others see that there is more than one way to love. Kilanowski-Press, L. (1970) Bisexual , SpringerLink .

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Obama care

Obama care: You should know the ins and out of it.

Underlying the healthcare system transformation are two major fundamental shifts in financing and delivery. The act substantially revamped the United States healthcare system, lowering the cost of uncompensated treatment for which a typical household had to pay. It also allows children to be covered by their parent’s health insurance until they turn 26. The individual mandate, which required all Americans to obtain healthcare coverage, was a significant feature of the original A.C.A. It might come through an employer, by the A.C.A., or another source, or you could suffer tax penalties. Obamacare introduced administrative measures to make health insurance firms and providers more responsible and efficient.

Obama care: You should know the ins and out of it. Read More »

What is Yoga Nidra? 5 Amazing Benefits of this Ancient Meditation Practice

Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep, is a kind of guided meditation. Yoga Nidra meditation is a form of meditation where you practice meditation while lying down under the guidance of a teacher. It helps your mind and body relax and heal in the process. Then, you will have to focus on the opposite of the emotions that you are feeling. Your body will feel tranquillity, and your brain will give out delta waves. If you feel low on energy, depressed or anxious, you can practice Yoga Nidra and improve your overall health.

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