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Learning Disabilities in Adults: 5 Surprising Tips to Deal With It

January 24, 2025

6 min read

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Author : Roshni Mehta
Learning Disabilities in Adults: 5 Surprising Tips to Deal With It


Did you know that for some individuals, everyday tasks feel like solving a puzzle? These individuals tend to find it challenging to read, write, understand the concept of mathematics and organize information. It is important to understand that these difficulties are not a reflection of intelligence but rather, how the brain processes details and interprets them. 

Learning Disabilities in Adults

Individuals with learning disabilities find it challenging to learn in certain ways. It can also make everyday life taxing. Learning disability usually has an origin in one’s childhood that does not go away with age. Therefore, many individuals continue to deal with difficulties in adulthood. It can significantly affect an adult’s personal and professional life, resulting in decreased self-confidence and diminished job performance. It can especially be more for those who have not received support or the right strategies to deal with these difficulties at a younger age. However, the good news is that many adults with learning disabilities have successful careers and thrive in their personal lives by getting the right support to aid them with their struggles. It is therefore important to not shy away from help and instead seek it when needed to lead a more fulfilling life. 

What Are Common Types Of Learning Disabilities That Adults May Experience

Learning disabilities can take a significant toll on daily life by affecting one’s ability to read, write and comprehend information. These difficulties further have an impact on one’s academics, work and personal life. Recognizing the different types of learning disabilities aids in seeking the right support. Here are some common ones in adults: 

  • Dyslexia: Individuals with dyslexia have difficulty recognizing words. They may read slowly and have difficulty comprehending what they have read. They may also get confused with similar-looking letters. 
  • Dysgraphia: Individuals with dysgraphia have difficulty writing. They may have poor handwriting which is illegible. They may also struggle to form letters and maintain adequate space between words while writing. They may also find it difficult to organize their thoughts when writing and make multiple spelling errors. They may also get very tired after writing as dysgraphia tends to affect motor skills. 
  • Dyscalculia: Individuals with dyscalculia have difficulty with mathematics. They have challenges understanding concepts of mathematics, performing calculations and make sense of numbers. They may also have difficulty telling the time or managing money. It can also have an impact on spatial awareness wherein individuals might have difficulty understanding maps or graphs. 

How Do Learning Disabilities In Adults Affect Everyday Life And Work 

Individuals with learning disabilities are significantly impacted in their everyday lives and work. When one is unable to carry out routine tasks with ease, it can lead to stress and frustration. 

In everyday life, individuals with learning disability can have difficulty with organization (Gallo,2023). They may find it a challenge to follow instructions, read signs or keep track of schedules. For instance, someone with dyslexia may find it a challenge to read labels thereby taking longer to shop. They may also find it difficult to read instructions thereby making errors while following a recipe. Similarly, individuals with dyscalculia may have trouble managing finances making it difficult to budget or handle expenses (Strickland,2023). 

At work, it can lead to a reduction in job performance. Adults may find it a challenge to meet deadlines or organize work. They may also find it difficult to complete tasks efficiently. Time management may also be an issue leading to increased anxiety and missing deadlines. This can lead to individuals experiencing low self-esteem and increased self-doubt (Gerber & Prince, 2003). 

Symptoms Of Learning Disabilities In Adults 

Here are some common symptoms of learning disabilities in adults: 

  •  Difficulty reading: Individuals may get confused between alphabets and understand what has been read. They may also be slow readers and add or omit words while reading. 
  • Difficulty writing: Individuals may get confused between similar-looking alphabets and make multiple spelling errors. Their handwriting might be illegible and they struggle to organize their thoughts on paper. 
  • Difficulty with mathematics: Individuals may have trouble with basic concepts of mathematics. They might have difficulty performing calculations and may struggle to understand numbers. 
  • Poor time management: This can lead to difficulty keeping a schedule or staying organized. 
  • Avoidance: Individuals may tend to avoid tasks involving reading, writing or mathematics. This may be due to the fear of failure. 
  • Social challenges: There may be difficulty understanding social cues. 
  • Fear of making mistakes: The difficulties associated with learning disabilities can lead to reduced self-esteem and fear of making mistakes. 

5 Tips to deal with Learning disabilities in adults 

Here are 5 ways to deal with learning disabilities in adults:

Learning Disabilities in Adults: 5 Surprising Tips to Deal With It

  1. Break tasks into smaller steps: Breaking tasks into more manageable steps reduces feelings of overwhelm and makes tasks more achievable. 
  2. Use Technology for Support: Using aids like grammar checkers, audiobooks and speech-to-text applications helps to aid in reading, writing and organizing information (Lentz &Smith,2022), (Gregg, 2009. 
  3. Use Visual Aids:   in order to organize information better one can use visual aids such as graphs or charts. This can help to make concepts easier to understand and recall.
  4. Practicing Mindfulness: Learning disabilities can be stressful therefore practicing mindfulness, deep breathing or exercising can reduce overall stress and improve focus. 
  5. Celebrating Small Wins: Recognizing every small achievement aids in building motivation and strengthens one’s belief in oneself.


In conclusion, learning disabilities can significantly impact adults in various aspects of life, including personal and professional experiences. Recognizing and understanding these challenges is crucial for seeking the right support. By utilizing strategies such as breaking tasks into smaller steps, leveraging technology, and practising mindfulness, individuals can navigate their daily lives more effectively. Celebrating small achievements can also foster confidence and motivation, leading to a more fulfilling and successful life.


Gallo, M. (2023). Understanding the challenges faced by adults with learning disabilities in the workplace. Disability Studies Quarterly, 43(1). doi:10.18061/dsq.v43i1.7624

Gerber, P. J., & Price, L. A. (2003). Persons with learning disabilities in the workplace: What we know so far in the Americans with Disabilities Act era. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 18(2), 132–136. https://doi.org/10.1111/1540-5826.00068

Gregg, N. (2009). Adolescents and adults with learning disabilities: Efficacy of assistive technology solutions for word processing. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 42(1), 87–107. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022219408326217

Lentz, D. A., & Smith, D. J. (2022). The role of technology in supporting students with dyslexia: A meta-analysis of recent findings. Journal of Special Education Technology, 37(4), 241-254. doi:10.1177/01626434211002245

Strickland, A. (2023). The impact of learning disabilities on daily life and work. American Journal of Public Health, 113(2), 200-207. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2022.306549

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Author : Roshni Mehta

Roshni Mehta works as a Clinical Psychologist in Delhi.

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