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Can’t Sleep Because Of Work Stress: 5 Surprising Ways To Solve It

January 27, 2025

4 min read

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Author : Dr. Divya Pal
Can’t Sleep Because Of Work Stress: 5 Surprising Ways To Solve It


Work-related stress has been at a sharp increase globally. This not only affects the health and well-being of the employees but also hinders the company’s productivity. When one individual may feel work-related stress experience another individual may find the situation challenging. Stress-related emotions for any individual depend upon various factors like psychological makeup, personal life, health factors etc.

Sleep and Work Stress

Sleep has been defined as: a circadian state characterized by partial or total suspension of consciousness, voluntary muscle inhibition and relative insensitivity to stimulation. (1) 

APA dictionary defines stress as a physiological and psychological response to internal and external stressors. Stress affects not only the emotional behaviour of an individual but also impacts various organ systems of the body. (2) 

Work-related stress or occupational stress causes adverse reactions that occur when work demands surpass the employee’s capabilities. With the increase in urbanization, new technologies and remote work there has been a tremendous increase in job demands with long working hours which adds to the stress reduces productivity and requires attention(3)

Can Work Stress Affect Your Sleep?

When a body is under undue stress it causes an imbalance of various hormones primarily -cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine and melatonin  This can negatively impact sleep.

Cortisol: It is commonly referred to as a “stress hormone”. Stress causes elevated cortisol levels in evenings which disrupts the normal circadian rhythm.

Adrenaline and norepinephrine: These are released during flight and fight response to acute or chronic stress. Adrenaline rush causes the body to stay alert and aroused, causing insomnia or frequent awakenings and disturbance of REM sleep.

MelatoninThe “sleep hormone” that regulates the body’s circadian rhythm. Melatonin levels are low during the day and rise at night, helping to promote sleep. Poor sleep can negatively impact melatonin production. 

Work Stress Therapy

  1. Exercise and physical: small breaks during working hours are quite helpful like walking and stretching at the working point itself. A 20 to 30-minute walk in nature is also quite beneficial. Physical activities can reduce stress levels and cause endorphins to be released which can improve mood and quality of sleep.
  2.  Breathing exercises: are quite helpful during a stressful situation and bring a sense of calmness to the body. Deep breathing increases oxygen flow to the brain which in turn reduces muscle tension. 
  3. PMR: Progressive Muscle Relaxation also helps to reduce stress and can be done easily at the workplace or home.
  4. Self-care routine: settings aside time for one’s recreational activities can help prevent frequent work-related burnouts and improve work efficiency. 
  5. Journalling: allows a safe space for self-reflection and emotional expression. It gives clarity to one’s thoughts and helps in problem-solving.
  6. Professional help: Seeking professional help from a mental health expert: provides a safe and confidential environment for one to express their feelings and emotions 

5 Ways to Stop Work Stress

Can’t Sleep Because Of Work Stress: 5 Surprising Ways To Solve It

  1. Prioritize and organise tasks: break tasks into smaller manageable tasks according to their priority. This avoids being overwhelmed and makes the work progress faster.
  2. Time management: starting the day with effective time management reduces the anticipatory anxiety of not being able to handle the day’s work and prevents procrastination.
  3. Avoid multitasking: prioritize the tasks at hand and work one at a time to increase the productivity of work.
  4. Establish a designated workplace: especially for working from home. It maintains the decorum of work without distraction and improves concentration.
  5. Set clear boundaries: Set clear boundaries related to work time and designated work. This gives time for self-care and to rejuvenate one’s self. 


Managing work stress often requires a combination of techniques from which one benefits according to their requirements. Work stress and sleep are intricately related to each other. Adequate sleep is essential for improving productivity at work and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Conversely, managing stress more healthily can in turn improve sleep quality and feeling fresh and energetic to take on the day. 




3.Park S, Jang MK. Associations between workplace exercise interventions and job stress reduction: a systematic review. Workplace Health Saf. 2019;67(12):592–601. doi: 10.1177/2165079919864979

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Author : Dr. Divya Pal

Dr. Divya Pal works as a psychiatrist in Kolkata.

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