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The Staggering Statistics Behind Violence Against Children

Experiencing violence during childhood affects an individual for the rest of their life. Some steps to avoid violence against children [5] involve identifying, monitoring, and intervening at the appropriate time in the case of caregivers who: Have a history of alcohol or drug consumption Have an account of psychiatric issues or mental health-related conditions Have anger issues Have been abused as a child Are you experiencing mental stress Are not the biological parents Justify violence to keep children disciplined. Additionally, identifying the problem behaviour and its cause to address it, providing economic support to the families, and promoting work policies that allow for a work-life balance will help. It is important to take action on Legislation discouraging and penalizing violence against children .

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The Link Between Violence, Game Addiction, & On-Screen Violence

How ten Z enjoys their holidays is relatively different from how their parents used to spend their vacations. Most research [1] shows that video games increasingly lead children to become violent and aggressive in their lives. Many video games are war/conquest-based, promoting killing and slaying the opponents to gain points. Backing up data comes extremely handy if you become a victim of ransomware from hackers. Data abusers are always on the lookout for any snippet of your personal information they can find. Available: https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2000/04/video-games. [ A. Dodge, “10 sobering facts about online abuse,” Endtab , 03-Aug-2021. [

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