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physical health


Are You Oversleeping? Here’s Why It Might Be Important

Sleeping is considered to be one of the most important parts of our life. A good night’s rest does wonders for your body, mind, your performance at work and school, and other areas of interest. Difficulty in waking up in the morning despite an alarm. Some are good, and some can be detrimental to physical and mental health. Here are a few: Oversleeping has the following effects on the body: It heightens the chances of developing diabetes. It may induce irritability and crankiness. If oversleeping cannot be attributed to medical ailments, the following measures may be recommended by health professionals or online counsellors: This keeps a record of your sleeping habits and would include details such as, when you fall asleep, when you wake up and how often you wake up during the night. In case your hypersomnia is a result of deteriorating mental health, it is crucial to seek therapy.

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Top 10 Benefits of Meditation for the Body and Mind

The very mention of the word meditation takes us to a different level of thought and perception. Therefore, it might take a little longer to train your mind and be comfortable with it. According to research, it has been found that the gray matter of your brain (the region responsible for problem-solving and emotion management) happens to increase when you practice meditation regularly. When you meditate regularly, you happen to become more focused. Lack of sleep or insomnia is a universal problem. All of these factors allow you to sleep well. However, when you meditate, your ability to manage and fight pain is more likely to increase, making you feel less pain. You should not forget that no matter how cutting-edge any particular technology may be, it cannot help you leverage an inch of it if you do it half-heartedly. Meditation helps you in developing mental discipline, awareness, and self-control.

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Fat Shaming: Why Fat Shaming Actually Leads to Weight Gain?

Although you might think that someone who is fat-shamed loses weight drastically as they try all possible means to look slimmer, body shaming statistics show that in reality, the opposite happens. When an employee is not judged based on his/her merit or skill but judged for their body, it creates disharmony in the entire working environment and leads to poor quality of work. Fat-shaming can never be good as it targets someone, points them out in a group, and makes them conscious of their body, something which they need to always carry with them. Instead of motivating people, fat-shaming can demotivate them and even make them stop doing the things they normally do to keep themselves healthy, like healthy eating, taking medications on time, regular workouts, and leading an otherwise happy and balanced life. Fat-shaming is toxic and should never be encouraged.

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Career counseling

The Importance of Career Counselling

We all work and make a living out of it, but when we make a career out of our work, it becomes not only about making a living out of it but also enjoying and loving what we do. While having a passion for what we do is essential, it is equally important to realize that our career choice should be an informed decision allowing the right combination of power and skills to come together. Career counselors will ask questions about our personality and areas of interest. Specific tasks or activities may be assigned during the session and after to reveal our skills and personality .[3] Identifying the right career option is challenging amid the many available options today.

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A Guide to Neurotherapy Treatment for Better Brain Health

Neuropathy is a condition when your nerves are damaged, leading to irritation, pain and immobility. When any of the twelve cranial nerves are affected, it is called cranial neuropathy. It is through the sensory system that one experiences the outer world. Peripheral neuropathy causes deficits in your sensory system, making it difficult to perceive the outer world. The machine is used to eliminate the cells that cause inflammation and nerve damage. Try not to put pressure on knees and elbows, as it causes further damage to the nerves. Therefore, you should consult a doctor as soon as you experience symptoms of nerve damage.

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Yoga Equipment Guide: Yoga Blankets Or Meditation Cushions?

Yoga props can help beginners in many ways if they are practicing Yoga at home. The most fundamental requirement to practice Yoga is calm surroundings. Yoga blocks are very much helpful accessories to gain stability and depth while doing stretches. These props work as a support system if you are performing Yoga exercises at home in the absence of an instructor. The Yoga props will help you achieve yoga postures more comfortably if you are a beginner. You can improve your strength and stamina by making the correct use of Yoga props. Yoga blocks can help you reach deeper while doing stretches. Correct use of Yoga accessories depends on your creativity.

Yoga Equipment Guide: Yoga Blankets Or Meditation Cushions? Read More »

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