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What is ERP Therapy For OCD?

What is ERP Therapy For OCD?

Introduction Ideally, ERP therapy is one of the most sought-after forms of psychotherapy in clinical practice. Psychotherapy refers to providing mental health care by a professional through structured conversations. There are several types of psychotherapies. A psychotherapist recommends ERP therapy in scenarios where other forms of therapy do not work. Also, another reason for opting […]

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Efficacy of CBT for OCD

CBT for OCD: Transform Your Life and Say Goodbye to OCD

Introduction Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common mental disorder that managed to affect about 1% of the global population last year. One of the most popular solutions for it is known as Compulsive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT uses Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and cognitive restructuring techniques, which are effective in treating OCD.  CBT

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How to deal with Fear of losing control, OCD and intrusive thoughts

How to deal with Fear of losing control, OCD and intrusive thoughts

Psychological stress causes behavioural disorders like OCD, which causes unwanted and uncontrollable thoughts and images, leading to a fear of losing. Treatment can assist the affected individual in managing the symptoms. They tend to act upon impulses that they can’t control. People who are anxious or fearful of losing can develop signs of compulsions to control events and be sure about results. It interferes with the ability to carry on regular day-to-day activities. To alleviate this anxiety, the child engages in compulsive behaviours such as adjusting the study chair at a particular angle or leaving the door slightly open at all times. When someone has post-traumatic stress disorder, they may experience intrusive thoughts about the possibility that caused it.

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Suicidal Thoughts

What to Do When OCD Causes Intrusive Suicidal Thoughts and Obsessions

If you are struggling with recurring suicidal thoughts due to obsessions and compulsions related to OCD, there are steps you can take to find relief from this condition. For example, your mind might trick you into believing something unreal. They can cause a great deal of distress and difficulty functioning, though. Doing so will help you distract from these thoughts. Because sometimes, an intrusive thought can be a symptom of another mental health issue that requires professional help. Willing to confront your OCD symptoms head-on can be pretty tricky, so you need to seek treatment from a professional who understands obsessive-compulsive disorder s and is trained to help you with your condition. You will continue to face anxiety at first, but with time and effort, you can manage it.

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder Perfectionism

How OCD perfectionism is different just perfectionism

For many people, the terms OCD and perfectionism are synonymous. Obsessive-compulsive disorder perfectionism has been linked to OCD problems such as excessive worry about making mistakes and the inability to focus on anything but these worries. Genetic predisposition for perfectionism or a family history of perfectionists: The genetic predisposition may contribute to people suffering from OCD because someone’s genes may make them more sensitive to physical stimuli like pain. The sufferer holds themself to an unrealistic standard which they feel they must maintain at all times. Just perfectionism is a desire for excellence that has been considered a ‘healthy’ perfectionism that benefits the person and society. OCD perfectionism is a perfectionistic drive that is sometimes harmful to the sufferer.

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Social Security Disability

Step-By-Step Guide to Easily Avail Social Security Disability Benefits for OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic psychiatric condition that may be highly disruptive to an individual’s life. Ensuring that each form is filled in correctly and detailed answers are provided can make it easier for the Social Security Administration to understand how one qualifies for the disability benefits. They render the disabled person unable to work in their occupation. Be prepared with Reports: Information about medical evidence is integral to the Social Security Disability benefits application. A representative from the SSA may reach out to the physician to verify the medical information submitted. Job Information: Finally, information about the job needs to submit for a successful application.

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Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) Vs OCD: The Differences

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, often referred to as OCPD and OCD, respectively, are distinct psychological illnesses that have different symptoms and treatment methodologies. Even in their relationships, they tend to control and want others to behave according to these set standards. Being very stingy about monetary matters. Being unable to share responsibilities because of the fear that others won’t execute them correctly. A few examples can be: Avoid shaking hands to prevent contamination. OCPD usually hampers interpersonal relationships but makes workplace performance more efficient as the person is overly dedicated. Self-care: Often, having OCPD or OCD can cause one to ignore their health.

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Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) Vs OCD: The Differences

Although OCPD and OCD can disrupt a person’s life, the right treatment can heal and help the person manage the symptoms more effectively. Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder include: Rigid mannerisms. Some examples of such situations can be: Checking doors recurrently. OCPD usually hampers interpersonal relationships but makes workplace performance more efficient as the person is overly dedicated. Also, detecting the triggers during the therapy sessions can prove beneficial. Self-care: Often, having OCPD or OCD can cause one to ignore their health. If you have traits of OCD or OCPD, you may not be able to identify the symptoms and their adverse effects on your life.

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Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Time and again, we hear people say, “ I always like keeping things clean, I have OCD”, and “She has OCD when it comes to placing things at home!”. Myth: There is no cure for OCD Fact: A combination of medication and therapy can significantly improve an individual’s symptoms and enhance their functionality and well-being Myth: People with OCD just need to relax and chill Fact: Even if an individual is aware that their thoughts are unproductive and causing them distress. Family therapy can be useful for psycho-education of the family of the individual as well as to reduce any discord that was caused due to the disorder.

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