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Hyperfixation vs. Hyperfocus

Hyperfixation vs Hyperfocus: ADHD, Autism, and Mental Illness

Have you ever seen someone glued to any activity so that they lose track of time and sense of the things happening around them? But also on the flip side, people with A.D.H.D. show too much interest and concentration in doing the activities they like or which provide instant gratification. So it has detrimental effects on their lives due to failure in schools or colleges, unemployment, and failed relationships. Although the name suggests, the attention deficit does not necessarily mean they lack complete awareness. Instead, they have difficulty managing the mind to perform the tasks at hand. 9] S. Watson, “A.D.H.D. inattentive type: Symptoms, Causes, and treatment,” WebMD. [ Available: https://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood-adhd/adhd-hyperactive-impulsive-type. [ Available: https://daily.jstor.org/whats-bad-instant-gratification/. [Accessed: 24-Jul-2022]. [

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Pros and Cons of Academic Pressure On Children

Pros and Cons of Academic Pressure On Children

We all remember the famous dialogue of the movie “3 Idiots”. They believe they motivate the child to improve, but the child constantly fears performance and bears the burden of disappointing parents and teachers. Each child is a unique child with a different personality. While instilling in children the value of perseverance and keeping discipline is crucial, applying too much pressure can backfire and negatively impact their mental health.[3] Let’s understand some of the Pros and cons of academic pressure on children; Pros Begins to Work Hard: Children should be taught the importance of working hard from an early age, and one can only succeed through perseverance and hard work.

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5 Celebrities Who Use Vision Boards for Feeling Focused

What did Helen Keller mean when she said “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight, but no vision”? And they all have one thing in common: vision boards . She eventually achieved all the goals she put on her vision board. When Steve Kroft of CBS asked about her having the image of an Academy Award in front of her while she’s running on the treadmill, Beyonce replied, “I do, but, it’s not right in front of the treadmill. Since the brain absorbs visual references better, therefore, a vision board works far better than a to-do list.

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