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fat shaming

fat shaming

Body shaming: How to deal with it

Negative comments about a person’s physical appearance entail body shaming . You may hear negative comments if you’re underweight, overweight, or your physical appearance doesn’t align with the pseudo standards set by society. It can happen in person or online on social media, and it can come from your siblings, friends, parents, or even people you don’t know well. Joking about your weight or the amount of food you eat is a form of body shaming. Some of the causes of body shaming are: Age-shaming is age-based discrimination or bullying, and it is about older people. You can help end this with some open and healthy conversations. Available: https://anad.org/get-informed/body-image/body-image-articles/body-shaming/ . [

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Fat Shaming: Why Fat Shaming Actually Leads to Weight Gain?

Although you might think that someone who is fat-shamed loses weight drastically as they try all possible means to look slimmer, body shaming statistics show that in reality, the opposite happens. When an employee is not judged based on his/her merit or skill but judged for their body, it creates disharmony in the entire working environment and leads to poor quality of work. Fat-shaming can never be good as it targets someone, points them out in a group, and makes them conscious of their body, something which they need to always carry with them. Instead of motivating people, fat-shaming can demotivate them and even make them stop doing the things they normally do to keep themselves healthy, like healthy eating, taking medications on time, regular workouts, and leading an otherwise happy and balanced life. Fat-shaming is toxic and should never be encouraged.

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How to Deal with Body Shaming

“You should start losing weight or who will be attracted to you?” “ But sometimes, even coming close to these unrealistic and patriarchal demands of society fall short of saving you from body shaming. You should want to go to the gym not because you want to become more muscular or slimmer like a model on social media, but because you want to have a fit and healthy body as well as mind. Love and embrace those natural body rolls and curves, stretch marks, every part of your body with all its so called flaws.

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