Everything You Need to Know about Anorexia

Obsessing over being slim by regularly skipping meals is not something done commonly but seen very often. Anorexia has 2 major types depending on the behavioral pattern of the patient: People with restrictive type of anorexia can be viewed as someone who has high self-control. This attitude, fueled by peer pressure, drives people to be obsessed with being thin. They have overwhelming meal choices and eating habits and tend to hoard food or prepare grand meals for others. Addiction to liquor, drugs, and other vices are also commonly noted. Clinicians often combine positive reinforcement such as compliments along with close monitoring. They design a strategy to impart a healthy approach to food and weight, regain healthy eating habits, and drive the importance of nutrition and a balanced diet into the patient’s psyche. Although there is very little evidence to support the use of antidepressants and antipsychotics in the treatment of anorexia, doctors prescribe these to control the anxiety and depression associated with the eating disorder. Interpersonal and psychodynamic therapy helps patients improve relations and understand the real causes, underlying needs and problems associated with anorexia.

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