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Category: Stress

Mindfulness With Music

Learn To Practice Mindfulness With Music

Stress has a way of upsetting our lives, affecting our physical and mental health as well as our relationships. Through mindfulness, we try to keep our minds free from thoughts and moods that come along by intentionally focussing on the music (rather than allowing it to play in the background). If you find yourself thinking about anything else (or even about the music), gradually bring your focus back to the current moment, the sound of the music, and the sensations it creates in your body. Continue doing this for a few minutes or until your timer runs out. Mindfulness activities can help you shift your focus away from this type of thinking and engage with the world around you. Concentrate on your breath as it enters and exits your body.

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Social Security Disability

Step-By-Step Guide to Easily Avail Social Security Disability Benefits for OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic psychiatric condition that may be highly disruptive to an individual’s life. Ensuring that each form is filled in correctly and detailed answers are provided can make it easier for the Social Security Administration to understand how one qualifies for the disability benefits. They render the disabled person unable to work in their occupation. Be prepared with Reports: Information about medical evidence is integral to the Social Security Disability benefits application. A representative from the SSA may reach out to the physician to verify the medical information submitted. Job Information: Finally, information about the job needs to submit for a successful application.

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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Tics related Obsessive Complusive Disorder (OCD)

A pattern of unwanted thoughts and anxieties (obsessions) characterises Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which causes you to engage in repetitive actions (compulsions). On the other hand, onset after adolescence, equal gender representation, contamination worries, and cleaning compulsions determine Non-tic-related OCD, It is difficult to distinguish between symptoms caused by OCD and those caused by Tic-related  OCD in clinical practice. Here are some of the most frequent myths and why they are false. Temporary tics can continue for several weeks or months and then go away, whereas more severe tics can be long-lasting, disabling, and affect multiple areas of the body. As a result, these patients require extra pharmacological and psychological attention. Distraction: Engage in a task that needs your full attention, such as building something with your hands. Clinicians who work with Tic-related OCD patients should coordinate their treatment with psychiatry to argue for appropriate pharmacological adjustments to the patient’s drug regimen. Information gathered from research activities such as family genetic investigations may point to an appropriate diagnostic placement.

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rape trauma syndrome

Understand and Recover from rape trauma syndrome

Rape Trauma Syndrome is a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) related condition. In the shocked phase, the person feels shocked and has no recollection of the incident. The victims may also face withdrawal and isolation. They may try to avoid feeling anything and stay away from anything. PTSD after the rape or sexual assault is very triggering. It is essential to fall back on one’s support system and tell them what one is feeling.

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reunification therapy

Understand Reunification therapy : Find therapist near you

Reunification Therapy is also called Reconciliation therapy. Reunification therapy is essential because the problematic relationship between the parent and child can have a long-lasting impact on children. It can help re-establish the bond between family members and bring them closer. There are multiple benefits of reunification therapy. A good therapist must encourage small steps, negotiation, and better communication between the parent and child. Reunification therapy is crucial to address the feelings that arise after a high conflict separation, estrangement, or lack of co-parenting in separated families.

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BPD Relationship Cycles

How To Overcome BPD Relationship Cycles When Dating Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder

Our personality is usually defined by how we speak, behave, think, and feel. BPD impacts the way you feel for others or yourself, as it may cause problems and impact the functioning of your life. Some of the mechanisms to overcome the BPD who is living with it are as follows: Search for a support system – You should make sure that there are enough people in your life to support you. Participate in an activity that redirects your mind – Participating in an activity can help you get distracted from negative emotions. Also, therapy can help the patient when the symptoms flare-up.

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rumination ocd

Stopping Rumination OCD : 5 Tips that work

Obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD) often causes ruminating thoughts. But first, let’s understand the nature of rumination OCD and ruminating thoughts. There are many forms of OCD, and rumination is present across most states. Those who suffer from depression are likely to have unworthy, obsessive negative thoughts about their future and the world. With regular practice, you can calm your mind and attain mindfulness. By creating an observant attitude towards your thoughts and distressing feelings, a therapist helps to increase your awareness.

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Exogenous Depression

What is Endogenous and Exogenous Depression : Causes, Signs & Meaning

Mental health experts have been debating the origins of depression for years if it is due to genetics or external factors. Anhedonia is a condition that causes a person to lose interest in activities they previously enjoyed and makes them lose their ability to feel pleasure. Exogenous depression, referred to in the research, is not caused by physiology but rather by life circumstances and, therefore, does not respond to antidepressants. But the clinician must be careful not to misinterpret his self-deprecating experiences as causes, reasons, or purposes of these disorders. Patients experience extremely intense pressure in the breasts (but rarely in the abdomen or the head) Patients can’t do their everyday work or do it in the usual manner. In addition, you can approach a psychologist or life coach for support.

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Interdependence Relationship

Understanding Interdependence Relationship: How To Identify For Yourself

Relationships are essential for the development of humans. This interdependence is when both partners participate equally in vital life decisions. Better understanding: Interdependence gives the comfort of expressing your views and demands before the other person. The actions of one person can be replaced by the other person as and when required. In an interdependence relationship, both partners put in equal effort to communicate and create a safe space for accessible communication. The art of active listening makes the person feel heard and valued. Not saying no may develop resentful feelings towards the other person. It is necessary to understand that both partners have separate professional and personal lives and goals.

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