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Category: Emotional Wellness

7 tips for kids with adhd

7 Parenting Tips for Kids with ADHD

One of the most frequent mental diseases affecting children is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) . Unfortunately, many adults also have ADHD. Impulsivity is hasty acts that occur at the moment without thought. Social effect- ADHD makes it difficult for children to have a fulfilling social life. It is an opportunity for parents to help their children learn skills valuable for years to come to manage impulsiveness and inattention. The best activities for kids with ADHD are those that help them gain confidence and success, burn calories, and reinforce the methods they’ve learned in behavioural therapy. Available: https://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood-adhd/adhd-hyperactive-impulsive-type . [

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Communication Disorders

Complete Guide to Communication Disorders

A communication disorder[1] is a condition that makes it difficult for a person to understand and use communication skills. A communication disorder[2] is a condition that makes it difficult for someone to communicate with others. Dysfluency: A speech disorder that causes disruptions in the flow of speech, such as stuttering. It can involve speech therapy, occupational therapy, or a combination. Seek professional help: A speech-language pathologist can help you identify and treat your communication disorder. Early intervention is vital for these children to help them develop communication skills.

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i lost my loved one

I lost my loved one – How do you prepare yourself?

The death of a loved one is one of life’s most difficult experiences. We can find a lot of solace in the belief that the soul never dies, so in a way, our loved ones will always be there. During this stage, it’s essential to be gentle with yourself. Some warning signs of a downward spiral in distress are: Withdrawal from family and friends Anxiety and depression Anger and guilt Loss of appetite Problems sleeping, and Sudden mood changes If you or anyone you know is showing any warning signs, it’s essential not to ignore them because ignoring the problem won’t make it go away; you need help. Do whatever is necessary to vent the pain that you’re feeling inside.

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Emotional Burnout

Emotional burnout: How to Address It in the Workplace?

We all have seen memes about Monday morning blues. The most common causes of emotional burnout at the workplace include[2]: Overwhelming workload Dysfunctional workplace dynamics Lack of support and proper communication Unclear job expectations Limited upward mobility Lack of control To avoid emotional burnout in your employees at your organisation, you need to be proactive and take the following steps: You can identify people experiencing burnout by observing some common symptoms. It also shows them that you value their ideas and contribution to the company. Monitor their working hours per week and ensure they do not overwork. Giving employees opportunities to take breaks from workplace stress makes them more productive and engaged. Focusing on team member retention brings excellent benefits across the organisation.

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What is Wrong with Me

What is wrong with me? Diagnosing unknown mental illnesses

At some point or the other, we all have wondered: what is wrong with me? Sometimes it’s just overwhelming or stressful feelings but points towards something deeper we haven’t had the time and headspace to address. but it could be a signal of something lying underneath your thoughts. All those activities, which were once enjoyable, become wearisome. “ If you avoid important tasks at hand and go into extended periods of slumber, you might want to check with a mental health professional. But they are curable, and with the right treatment taken at the right time, one can heal themselves from years of pain and sadness.

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Fat Shaming: Why Fat Shaming Actually Leads to Weight Gain?

Although you might think that someone who is fat-shamed loses weight drastically as they try all possible means to look slimmer, body shaming statistics show that in reality, the opposite happens. When an employee is not judged based on his/her merit or skill but judged for their body, it creates disharmony in the entire working environment and leads to poor quality of work. Fat-shaming can never be good as it targets someone, points them out in a group, and makes them conscious of their body, something which they need to always carry with them. Instead of motivating people, fat-shaming can demotivate them and even make them stop doing the things they normally do to keep themselves healthy, like healthy eating, taking medications on time, regular workouts, and leading an otherwise happy and balanced life. Fat-shaming is toxic and should never be encouraged.

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